A San Diego harbor cruise boat crashed into a pier while docking. Here in the video we can see the terrifying moment when the ship came across the people towards the shore. Initially the reason behind the accident is said to be because of mechanical malfunction. Apparently caused a gear to stick and prevented the 150-foot-long Adventure Horn blower from stopping as it was docking at San Diego’s Embarcadero tourism area shortly before 1 p.m.

The boat was carrying 144 people at the time. The passengers stayed on board after the accident while a tugboat pulled the boat away from the pier to position it. Normally accident takes place suddenly and it doesn’t gives a moment for people to think about it. So nothing can be done to overcome this, men just have to be strong. The person needs to be alert so that he can somehow save him from this kind of thing.

Initially no any serious casualty was seen.  The person was also very concern to keep them alive and unharmed. This is the nature of human, first of all they think about keeping themselves safe and unharmed and then only they will think about other people. The most precious gift for the people is their life and none of the wealth in the world can buy it.

The video also save s the similar scenario. The people were very much concern to get away from this accident as safely as they can. This is the first thing people do whenever they find out that they are in trouble. The people who were in the seashore were trying hard to get away from the shore before the boat hits them.

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