Ginger: Ginger for muscle pain called gingerolsa element found, prevents the production of hormones that cause pain.
A teaspoon of dried ginger daily, according to researchers or two tablespoons of ginger cut should be included.

Cloves: tooth for tooth pain or sore gums is an hour or two to heal chewing cloves. Cloves, called the ijenola element is considered a natural anesthetic.

Onion Juice: Ear pain Ear ache for him two drops of warm onion made palatable daily rate of two days, 5 days, if one ear is healing pain problem. It is helpful to other medical healing faster than the ear infection. According to scientists found accelerated Germanium, Selenium and sulfur factors cause pain kill bacteria.

Cherry: joint pain for the last study, four women, a woman artharaitisasa, chronic headaches and joint pain are suffering. These problems are considered useful for the cherry. Cherie red enthosaininsa can help you make partner are called the elements to reduce pain. It is 10 times more effective espirinabhanda aibuphrena and is said to be.

Fish: digestion problems and stomach problems, irritable bowl syndrome samasyahune problem of defecation have a regular intake of fish are effective. According to the study, called Fish ipie and diecae phyati acid stomach irritation and helps to heal stomach pain. Ipie and improves their diecaele gyastrointestinala tryaktako.

Yogurt: mahinavariaghiko grief around the world for 80 per cent of women suffer from pain in mahinavariko be cakraaghi. Yogurt is said to be useful for this purpose. Dahima found calcium and soften the pain due to hormones help them heal.

Tomato juice: foot cramps or spasms of the study, 5 out of a foot kryampa are being victimized. This is due to the lack of potassium. For this purpose, potassium diet should include. Drink tomato juice daily, this problem disappears.

Turmeric: According to studies to heal pain more common in Eastern countries turmeric, aspirin, aibuphrenabhanda is three times more effective. It reduces chronic Colic is 50 percent.

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