Crime Patrol in the present episode unfolds the story of a woman whose dead body was found by a rag picker. The police found that the woman was murdered before 2 days when her body was found. The post mortem showed that she was engaged in some physical relation activities. She was two months pregnant. Chandani had arrived in Mumbai with the dream of earning a livelihood for her family, was found murdered by a rag-picker in Mumbai. The Mumbai police begin their investigation and find out that Chandani was two months pregnant, was involved in flesh trade and called Priyanka. After few days, of minor finds, Monica’s parents arrive at the police station. Initially Monica’s parents do not completely co-operate with the police. But after few days of investigation, Monica’s parents reveal about their knowledge of Monica’s flesh business, her engagement with Durjan, her boyfriend Ravi Joshi and a baby in the house, whose identity is a mystery. Ankita, sister of Chandani had called Chandani and requested her to provide some job so that both of them can help the family economically. A man came after identifying her photo and told that Chandani is Priyanka and she was involved in flesh trade. She used to work in Rani Bar. Shalini was the best friend of Chandani and she tells that she had no boyfriend.
Crime Patrol
Crime Patrol in the present episode unfolds the story of a woman whose dead body was found by a rag picker. The police found that the woman was murdered before 2 days when her body was found. The post mortem showed that she was engaged in some physical relation activities. She was two months pregnant. Chandani had arrived in Mumbai with the dream of earning a livelihood for her family, was found murdered by a rag-picker in Mumbai. The Mumbai police begin their investigation and find out that Chandani was two months pregnant, was involved in flesh trade and called Priyanka. After few days, of minor finds, Monica’s parents arrive at the police station. Initially Monica’s parents do not completely co-operate with the police. But after few days of investigation, Monica’s parents reveal about their knowledge of Monica’s flesh business, her engagement with Durjan, her boyfriend Ravi Joshi and a baby in the house, whose identity is a mystery. Ankita, sister of Chandani had called Chandani and requested her to provide some job so that both of them can help the family economically. A man came after identifying her photo and told that Chandani is Priyanka and she was involved in flesh trade. She used to work in Rani Bar. Shalini was the best friend of Chandani and she tells that she had no boyfriend.
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