The emergence of Internet has changed the modern market. Firstly, it is the adaptation of the offline to the online. Despite some of the limitations of the current Internet in terms of bandwidth, diffusion and technological issues, many offline transactions are being replicated online quite successfully. This is a comprehensive, yet not fully exhaustive, list of possible offline user behaviours that have been adapted across to the Internet. The value of examining a list of dual platform behaviours is that it recognizes that the Internet can affect certain aspects of marketing behaviour through its unique features, both positively and negatively. For example, the retailing online can range from exotic goods through to the mundane weekly groceries. There are a number of online shopping options, from familiar offline institutions like shopping malls, through to small businesses and online catalogues. Online shopping conglomerates exist in the form of cybermalls, coalitions of related goods and services which band together to provide an online shopping environment similar to that of the offline shopping centers.

Secondly, the global digital showcase. The Web offers an unprecedented opportunity to showcase organizational promotions, histories, product details and information that is not feasible in traditional offline media. The ability of the Web to offer multimedia web sites which can give the most basic click to buy and in-depth corporate history and product detail from the same address gives marketers much greater promotional freedom than they have experienced in the offline world. In particular, using the Internet as a support medium also allows for mixed media promotion where interest is generated in offline advertising, and details are provided online.

Thirdly, the little piggy goes to the world wide market. The Internet has altered the market dynamics in that here is now less need to rely on complex distribution channels to get products to market. This is a dual edged sword though ¨C smaller businesses may become more independent in their distribution, but larger businesses have found that their reliance on intermediaries and distributions has increased. For example, Pepsi and Coke are two of the best know brands in the world, and yet you still cannot order a can of cola from their web sites. Their size, global position, and complex established distribution chains have limited the extent to which they can direct sell from their web site.

Fourthly, online entertainment is a progressively expanding market as people move towards virtual entertainment which is free from the traditional venue orientation of most offline leisure activities. While there are obvious restrictions as to what offline leisure activities can be replicated online, new functions such as multiplayer Internet games, ranging from bridge, scrabble and traditional board games through to complex 3D games are increasingly more accessible. The internet it self is also a source of pleasure C web surfing has been associated with hedonism, pleasure seeking and arousal seeking behaviours .

In this assignment we know that marketing is the set of activities whereby businesses and other organizations create transfers of value (exchanges) between themselves and their customers . And the Internet is a network of networks, linking computers to computers sharing the TCP/IP protocols. Each runs software to provide or “serve” information and/or to access and view information. The Internet is the transport vehicle for the information stored in files or documents on another computer . There are five unique features of Internet; they are interactivity, variety and customization, global access, time independence and interest driven. These features have changed the modern market.

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