A 17-year-old girl is suffering from a horrific mystery condition which causes thick, stinging blood to seep from her eyes and ears.
Marnie Harvey's condition has baffled doctors for three years - and has left her virtually housebound.
Now, desperate for a diagnosis, she is sharing her story in the hope of getting her life back.
Miss Harvey's ordeal began in 2013 when she woke up with blood spatters on her pillow.
Her terrified mother Catherine, 43, took her to the GP - but despite several tests, no cause could be found.

For the next two years she was sent for more investigations and told to change her diet, eliminating food groups from sugar to dairy, in a bid to find out what was causing her symptoms.
But her condition continued to get worse - and in July last year she was horrified to wake with 'gloopy' blood seeping from her eyes.
She now bleeds from her eyes, nose, ears and fingernails up to five times a day - but doctors from every area of medicine are baffled as to why.

n the last few weeks, she has also started to bleed from her tongue and scalp.
Miss Harvey, from Stoke-on-Trent, is thought to be the only person in the UK with this unique set of symptoms, causing doctors to dub her ‘The Mystery Girl’.
Recalling the moment she woke up with her eyes bleeding, Miss Harvey said: ‘Red, gloopy tears were dripping out of my right eye.
'I had blood all over my face and a shooting pain behind my eyes.
'I felt my way downstairs and my parents, brother and sister all screamed when they saw me. My brother called an ambulance.’

Her ordeal began in 2013 when she became uncharacteristically unwell and started to cough up blood.
She was sent for a chest scan, which came back clear, but the worrying symptom continued for two years.
Miss Harvey frequently attended North Staffordshire Hospital and had further blood scans, which again, came back showing nothing amiss.
She developed a pain in her side and also began suffering migraines and sickness which were so bad she would miss weeks of school.
Her attendance fell below 50 per cent and although she managed to take her GCSEs, she did not get the results she had hoped for.
‘We had the medical letters but there were times I didn’t go to school for weeks because the migraines were so bad all I could do was lie in my room in the dark, unable to move,' she said

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